Child anxiety and/or refusual to attend school

If your child is feeling worried about school, or they are unable to go to school, Young Minds have advice on supporting them and working with the school and other services.

Parents and Carers

The Happier Minds brain character welcomes you to the Parents and Carers page

There is so much information available out there, but it’s not always easy to know where to find it.

It’s so important that you speak to someone if you are worried about your own, your child’s or someone else’s mental health.
You can access support for yourself or your child from your GP, Practice Nurse, Health Visitor (if you have a pre-school child) or School Nurse for children in Reception up to year 11(or attending a school 6th form).
To find out who the School Nurse is for your child’s school you can ask the School Receptionist or telephone 01384 408990

Dudley Talking Therapy Service supports individuals aged 16 or over (school leavers and adults) who are experiencing common mental health problems such as; anxiety, depression, low mood, panic or phobias. The service accepts self-referrals and access to online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy provided by Silver Cloud.

Healthy Dudley – Lots of useful Mental Wellbeing information as part of a Public Health site developed specifically for Dudley residents.

Looking after yourself through grief- Loss is something that we will all face at some time in our lives and grief is a normal human response to loss. Information on services offering support and helpful information can be found here.

Start for Life – For families of children from conception to age two.  This site contains a wealth of information and support, on a range of topics, including parent and infant emotional wellbeing.   

Dudley Adult and Community Learning Prospectus 24/25 – There are so many opportunities in Dudley for adults and families who want to invest in learning and education. Learning a new skill is known to support mental wellbeing and,  in addition, can open doors to new opportunities and getting qualifications.
Why not take a look at the latest adult learning prospectus and see what’s available?

Parenting support courses are available free of charge to Dudley residents. The sessions cover the parenting period from conception to 19yrs of age. Further information and registration forms are available by clicking this link.

A Dudley Council website, signposting to thousands of activities, services, and events across the Dudley Borough.

Link to view the Dudley's Local Offer video

Dudley’s Local Offer is a one stop resource of information and services available to children and young people (aged 0-25) with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), their parents, carers and families.

This link will take you to the young people’s section of this website, where you will find information for those age 11-25

Mental Health help, support and information.
The links in this section of the site are to national mental health websites which will, hopefully, provide you with the information you need.

Parents Page Exam Stress

It is normal for both you and your child to feel a bit worried about exams, they can be a stressful time for anyone. Mood swings and outbursts are more likely to occur during this period other signs that your child may be struggling, including poor sleep patterns or a change in appetite or behaviour.

Here is some useful information and tips to help you to support your child during exam weeks and on results day.

Loneliness can affect us all, at any time in our lives. Everyone’s experiences of loneliness are different. You should not blame yourself for feeling lonely now or at any other time, and it’s also really important to remember that loneliness and difficult feelings can pass. The NHS Every mind matters has some useful information and sources of support.

Caring For A Bereaved Child Or Young Person

Caring for a bereaved child or young person can be complex. What should you say? How should you act? Is there something specific you should be doing or not doing? How do you know if your child is coping? As well as providing direct bereavement information and support to young people, Winston’s Wish helps parents and family members to provide the best support possible.

If You Are Feeling Lonely

Loneliness can affect us all, at any time in our lives. Everyone’s experiences of loneliness are different. You should not blame yourself for feeling lonely now or at any other time, and it’s also really important to remember that loneliness and difficult feelings can pass.

The NHS Every mind matters has some useful information and sources of support.

Young Persons Page Exam Stress Image