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Personal Information
Protecting your privacy is our top priority as you engage with our services.
We only collect necessary information from learners based on mandated
requirements or identified business needs, such as enrolment, assessment
and service improvement purposes.
Your information may be shared with external entities like the Education and Skills Funding
Agency and the West Midlands Combined Authority, as well as examination boards for
specific exam purposes. Additionally, we may share your information with other council
departments when required to address service requests, complaints, or to facilitate actions
agreed upon with you to enhance Dudley Council’s services and activities.
We adhere to strict data retention policies, retaining personal data only for as long as
necessary for the purposes stated, and securely disposing of it when no longer needed,
in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Rest assured, we employ robust data
security measures, including encryption, access controls, and regular security audits, to
safeguard your personal information.
As a user, you have rights regarding your personal data, including the right to access, rectify,
and erase your data. To exercise these rights or for any inquiries or concerns regarding data
privacy you can contact our Data Protection Officer by email at:
For a detailed understanding of how we handle your data you can request the full privacy
notice from any member of our Adult and Community Learning team.
Dudley Council’s comprehensive privacy notice is available on our website:
Dudley Adult and Community Learning (ACL) is committed to delivering the courses as described in our
brochure, on our social media pages and on our website. Every effort is taken to provide the programmes and
services described. However, Dudley ACL cannot always guarantee the provision of any course or service. We
may need to vary the content or methods of delivery, to merge or combine courses, or in some circumstances
close them if such action is necessary. Should we need to discontinue any of our programmes, we will always
try to provide a suitable alternative.

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